Gloversville Public Library

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Results from the Library’s May 1, 2018 election.

Proposition to levy $423,695, a $30,000 increase, passed 169 to 115. 

Trustee seats
Susan Shrader won the 5 year seat with 220 votes.
Charles “Ren” Reed won a 1 year seat with 205 votes.
Christian W. Rohrs won a 1 year seat with 51 votes. 

I would like to thank everyone who voted either in person or by absentee ballot.  This request is not just an investment in the Library, but in the community. 

Libraries are essential services and economic draws for businesses and folks moving to the area.  The Library’s location in downtown is an added bonus that supports a central hub of activity in a walkable city. 

The board and I believe that the increase of 5 cents per thousand was a responsible request that addresses rising costs beyond our control while meeting the needs and wants of the residents of the school district. 

We are looking forward to opportunities to expand and deepen our relationships with our partners as we work together to address the challenges faced by our community.